Tarnowskie Góry | 2nd Elżbieta Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition
Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC
The 2nd Harpsichord Competition will take place between 17–19 October 2022 at the Elżbieta Chojnacka Center for Contemporary Harpsichord Music. The competition will be held on the 5th anniversary of the death of the Competition's Patron and is addressed to students of primary and secondary music schools as well as undergraduate students. The deadline for submitting applications is the 3rd October 2022.
Participants will have the opportunity to present the programme on a unique harpsichord built especially for Elżbieta Chojnacka by Anthony Sidey, currently owned by Aleksandra Gajecka-Antosiewicz. The founder of the special award (a set of harpsichord publications) for the best performance of a Polish composer's work is Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne and the Ars Musica publishing house.
It is our great pleasure to announce the first
Elisabeth Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition
Tarnowskie Góry–Palace at Rybna, November 24th to 26th 2019
The Competition is open to applicants of any nationality who have not reached 20 years of age as at 24th November 2019.
1. The Center for Contemporary Harpsichord Music in the Rybna Palace (ul. Powstańców Warszawskich 90, 42-680 Tarnowskie Góry, NIP 645-25-24-437) in collaboration with The Henryk Mikołaj Górecki Silesian Philharmonic, The G. and K. Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź, and The Music School of Frederick Chopin in Bytom present the 1st “ Elisabeth Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition” at the Palace at Rybna, Tarnowskie Góry, Poland from the 24th to the 26th of November 2019.
2. The Elisabeth Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition will take place at the Palace at Rybna, Tarnowskie Góry, Poland from the 24th to the 26th of November 2019.
3. The competition will commence on 24th of November 2019 with a solo recital Elżbieta Chojnacka in memoriam given by the great Polish harpsichordist Elżbieta Stefańska as part of the project Dwa nurty. There will also be documentary presentations on the subject of the life of Elisabeth Chojnacka on this day.
4. The competition is dedicated to the great polish harpsichordist Elżbieta Chojnacka (1939-2017) to popularize harpsichord music, both ancient and contemporary, and to encourage composers to write new music for the instrument. Two instruments, the historical and the modern type will be available.
5. The competition is divided into 5 sections:
§ Category I: entrants born between 2010 and 2012
§ Category II: entrants born between 2007 and 2009
§ Category III: entrants born between 2004 and 2006
§ Category IV: entrants born between 2001 and 2003
§ Category V: entrants born between 1998 and 2000
6. Available instruments:
§ French harpsichord (two manuals) by Pascal Taskin 8’ 8” 4’, lute
– down manual, range FF to f3; or
§ Modern harpsichord (two manuals and pedals) 8' 8' 4' 16', lute—both manuals range FF to f3
7. In each category, the competition consists of one round only.
8. Applicants in each category are required to perform two pieces: one baroque composition, and one composition of Contemporary Music (of the 20th or 21st century), each of the candidate’s choice.
§ Category I Free program: one baroque work and one modern work totaling a maximum of 5minutes
§ Category II Free program: one baroque work and one modern work totaling a maximum of 10 minutes
§ Category III Free program: one baroque work and one modern work totaling a maximum of 15 minutes
§ Category IV Free program: one baroque work and one modern work totaling a maximum of 20 minutes
§ Category V Free program: one baroque work and one modern work totaling a maximum of 20 minutes
The order of performance (i.e. baroque or modern piece) is at the discretion of the entrant. Sheet music can be used for the performance.
The Candidate must perform works specifically written for the harpsichord, except that in Categories A and B the modern piece can be a transcription of a work for piano.
9. The entry fee of € 30 for Categories I - IV, and € 40 for category V should be remitted to the following bank account:
International IBAN format:
PL12 2490 0005 0000 4520 4256 1948
with the title “KONKURS KLAWESYNOWY” and name of the
10. The application form (PDF), proof of payment of entry fee (PDF) and, for categories I to IV the child parent/guardian's statement (PDF), should be sent by email to:
hduet@wp.pl not later than 31st October 2019.
Only completed and signed applications will be accepted and examined.
The application form can be downloaded from the
website at http://palacrybna.pl,
and must be sent to hduet@wp.pl along
with proof of payment of the entry fee and parental permission form where the entrant is under eighteen years of age.
11. Submission of an application confirms the acceptance of these rules.
12. The entry fee will not be refunded to applicants who withdraw from the competition. Applicants who decide to withdraw from the competition should advise the competition’s office by sending an email to: hduet@wp.pl
Registration fees are not refundable for any reason.
13. Information about the competition will be posted on the following websites:
14. The schedule of the competition and rehearsals will be announced by 15th November 2019 by the artistic director Aleksandra Gajecka-Antosiewicz, published on the competition website, and sent by email to all applicants.
15. The jury will consist of Professor Elżbieta Stefańska, Professor Ewa Piasecka, and Doctor Aleksandra Gajecka-Antosiewicz.
16. All Participants in the competition will be honored with a diploma and a CD.
The winners of the first prizes in categories IV and V will be invited to perform in a concert at the Music Academy in Lodz, Poland.
17. In all categories the judges' decision is final.
18. The Competition is open to a public audience.
In the case of photographic, radio, television or other recording of the final concert, participants can not make financial or other claims against the organization or broadcaster.
19. The competition and its organizers are not responsible for any accidents that might occur to persons or property either during travel to and from the competition, or during the competition.
All costs of travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the participant.
20. The winners of the first prizes, at the discretion of the management of the competition, agree to perform without fee, in gala dress, at the final concert of the competition, as announced by the Jury. In the case of photographic, radio, television or other recording of the final concert, participants can not make financial or other claims against the organization or broadcaster.
21. Photographic, radio, television or other recording of the final concert may be posted on the website of Palace at Rybna and The Center for Contemporary Harpsichord Music, participants can not make financial or other claims against the organization or broadcaster.
22. The artistic director reserves the right to make changes to these rules and to cancel one or more categories if deemed necessary. In the case of cancellation, applicants will be informed, and entry fees refunded.
23. For further information, applicants should contact:
Hanna Balcerzak
tel +48 696-949-419 , e-mail: hduet@wp.pl
24. Registration for the competition implies the unconditional approval of these rules. Any changes made by The Center for Contemporary Harpsichord Music, will be communicated to the participants.
Elisabeth Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition
Tarnowskie Góry–Palace at Rybna, November 24th to 26th 2019
NAZWISKO / Surname ……………………………………………………………………
IMIĘ / First name …………………………………………………………………………
ADRES / Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
DATA I MIEJSCE URODZENIA / Date and place of birth …………………………………………………
OBYWATELSTWO / Nationality ……………………………………………………………
Tel / fax / email ……………………………………………………………………………………
Signature of the participant
1 ………………………………………………czas trwania utworu / duration (minutes)………………
2. ………………………………………………czas trwania utworu / duration (minutes)………………
The name of the place of education (school, academy etc.) ………………………….………………………
Musical level / class…………………………………………………………….
Tel / fax / email .......................................................................................................
Name of the teacher……………………………………………....
Signature of the Director of the school (with stamp and date)
Elisabeth Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition
Tarnowskie Góry–Palace at Rybna, November 24th to 26th 2019
Parent/GUARDIAN Consent Form
If your child is under 18, we request that you complete this form to confirm that you give permission for them to enter.
(for categories I, II, III and IV)
NAZWISKO / Surname ……………………………………………………………………
IMIĘ / First name ………………………………………………………………………
ADRES / Address ............................................................................................................
DATA I MIEJSCE URODZENIA / Date and place of birth ......................................................
OBYWATELSTWO / Nationality …………………………………………………………….
tel/fax/e-mail ...................................................................................
I agree to the entry of (full name of the child) …………………………. to the Elisabeth Chojnacka Harpsichord Competition at the Palace at Rybna, Tarnowskie Góry, Poland from the 24th to the 26th of November 2019.
I confirm that by completing this form, I have read, understood and agreed to the rules of the competition as the entrant’s parent / legal guardian (delete one).
I confirm that the information given in this consent form is complete and accurate.
Signed …………………………………………………………………………….
At ………………………………………………………………(place) on ………………………………………(date)
4 luty 2025, ZPSM im. S. Moniuszki w Bielsku-Białej. Warsztaty muzyki współczesnej dla klawesynistów, pianistów i organistów. Temat szkolenia: „Klawesyn w muzyce współczesnej - zagadnienia wykonawcze”
tel. 608 525 395
Centrum Współczesnej Muzyki Klawesynowej im. Elżbiety Chojnackiej w Pałacu w Rybnej
Osoba prowadząca:
dr Aleksandra Gajecka-Antosiewicz- klawesynistka i pianistka
Osoby współpracujące:
Hanna Balcerzak- klawesynistka i pianistka,
Urszula Jasiecka-Bury - klawesynistka, organistka
Magdalena Bąk- klawesynistka
Michał Antosiewicz- pianista, dyrygent
Krzysztof Sztekmiler - reżyser dźwięku
Bartłomiej Balcerzak - skrzypek, fotograf